Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract
Dark, amber coloured liquid
>99% total fat
20%-40% Omega-3 fatty acids
40%-50% marine phospholipids
1%-2% sterols
Dark, amber coloured liquid
>99% total fat
20%-40% Omega-3 fatty acids
40%-50% marine phospholipids
1%-2% sterols
Our Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract is a pure, clean and natural oil extract manufactured from 100% sustainably farmed New Zealand Greenshell mussels (pernacanaliculus).
This species of mussel, a shellfish that is native to the pristine sea waters of the New Zealand coastline, has been the subject of decades of research examining it’s health enhancing properties, many of which have been directly related to its powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant action.
Specialised analysis has identified over 25 different fatty acids in our Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract. Of these fatty acids, the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) known as Omega 3’s comprise a significant proportion.
Thanks to decades of international research, the functional properties of Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly in the area of inflammation are widely understood. Clinical studies over this time have suggested benefits of Omega 3 oils for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart disease, irritable bowel disease, and exercise induced mussel damage to name a few.Waitaki’s Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract contains between 20% and 40% total Omega 3 fatty acids including EPA and DHA.
Phospholipids are another important source of Omega 3 fatty acids in our Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract. Research suggests that Omega 3’s from marine phospholipids are better absorbed than from other oil sources and are more resistant to oxidation, making them ideally suited to nutraceutical applications.
Research on marine phospholipids has demonstrated promising results in the areas of inflammatory diseases, brain health and heart health.Waitaki’s Greenshell Mussel Oil extract contains between 40% and 50% total marine phospholipids, with over 15 individual phospholipids identified.
The unique profile of marine Omega 3 fatty acids in our Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract are key to the anti-inflammatory activity of this natural product, via a mechanism of inhibition of eicosanoid biosynthesis.
Eicosanoids are compounds that are involved in a wide range of cell signalling activities within the body, including inflammation. Pro-inflammatory eicosanoids (prostaglandins and leukotrienes) are derived from dietary long chain omega 6 fatty acids (PUFA). The omega 3 fatty acids found in Greenshell mussel oil however have been shown to interfere with this process, resulting in down regulation of pro-inflammatory eicosanoid production and a powerful overall anti-inflammatory effect.
Marine Omega 3 fatty acids provide anti-inflammatory support for a range of inflammatory joint conditions.
Marine phospholipids provide highly bioavailable support for inflammatory conditions and may be useful in promoting optimal cognitive and heart health.
Waitaki’s Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract is a purified, food grade oil extract suitable for soft gel encapsulation.
Manufacture of our Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract is tightly controlled throughout the supply chain. We start by sourcing sustainable, non GMO, Greenshell mussels of the highest export quality from approved suppliers whose marine farms and primary processing facilities meet strict government licensing criteria. Conversion into stabilised freeze dried powder and then further specialised processing to extract the oils is completed in our own purpose built manufacturing premises in Christchurch New Zealand.
Our portfolio of branded ingredients represents 30 years of product development. The longevity and time in market is an endorsement of their quality and functionality.
Each product contains significant process IP, some of which have resulted in patents.
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Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract is a pure, clean and natural oil extract manufactured from 100% sustainably farmed New Zealand Greenshell mussels (perna canaliculus).
Greenshell Mussel Oil Extract is a pure, clean and natural oil extract manufactured from 100% sustainably farmed New Zealand Greenshell mussels (perna canaliculus).
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